Export Education: International Documentation hosted by EDPNC

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Name: Export Education: International Documentation hosted by EDPNC
Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Website: Register now.
Event Description:
Incomplete or inaccurate documentation for international shipments can cost businesses time and money. Join Mike Allocca, President of Allocca Enterprises, Inc., for an Export Education webinar to learn how your company can accurately articulate required documents to ensure customers, distributors and your company stays ahead of schedule.

International Documents Training is specifically designed to assist companies with understanding international documents and when and how these forms should be completed. During this two-hour session, attendees will discuss several forms including Commercial Invoices, Packing Lists, Shippers Export Declarations (SEDs)/Electronic Export Information (EEI), USMCA Proof of eligibility. Each document will be reviewed step-by-step to understand exactly how these forms should be completed and where attendees can look within company documents to ensure the information being used is accurate.
Topics include:
  • Understanding commercial invoices, packing lists, bills of lading, Shippers Export Declaration (SED), certificates of origin, dock receipts, and fish and wildlife
  • How to minimize delays in customs
  • Identifying documents that can be used to reduce delays, eliminate demurrage, and shorten your product cycle.
  • Understanding why companies should be using Destination Control Statements (DCS) on all invoices both domestic and international
  • USCMA Certificates of Origin
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